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pile of potatoes with shovel

2 days of work for $30

There is more opportunity than you can imagine today.

man in red shirt riding on bicycle

How quickly can you get paid as a writer?

It doesn’t take much to get serious momentum behind your career.

person piling blocks

From $20 blog posts to $250K+/year

Small wins stack. And they lead to big windfalls.

The #1 problem with a personal brand

Stop putting your career in Elon’s hands.

Your freelancing business is vulnerable to disaster

The signs aren’t always obvious. But if you ignore them, you set yourself up for major problems down the line.

“I’ll be there in 2 hours.”

There shouldn’t have to be consequences for being there for your loved ones.

The only cure for your discomfort

I destroyed my back and fixed it without realizing it. And there’s a business lesson in there.

No TV Tuesdays and the Curse of Overthinking

Why worrying too much about the results can keep you from anything good in your career.

Ignore what’s “supposed” to happen – and GO.

Assumptions are killing your chances of success.

Being Intimidated By Hard Things

How do you get past the fear – and take action?